

Where there Is god There is Tulsi-Where there is Tulsi there is God

Jai Sri Tulsi

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

divine wealth

He transforms the body in to a true mode, and mounds and remolds it purify it from inner and outer sphere all the way, heaving longing for ultimate soul mate. The one wish to unite directly with the beloved and is all possible through the service of true nature. Divine basil is a define form of true nature and more than that.

By serving the divine basil blemishes of life washes away and purity paves in life, undue sensualities escapes out and divine spirit enters in to meet the true motto of being human.

Once divine wealth is attained through the mercy of divine basil one rejoices the glory of being human truly to reach at the final beatitude.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.