

Where there Is god There is Tulsi-Where there is Tulsi there is God

Jai Sri Tulsi

Thursday, October 30, 2008

love of lord

When love of lord appears in life, all blemish of body, mind and heart disappears and one felt the state of bliss here itself. Burns of lust which makes one to suffer so long get cool down when love of lord appears in life. All impurities of mind and heart which routs on to sin in life got vanish itself when love of lord appears in life.

Love of lord appears for one when one tracks the path of virtues in life. Is there any virtue bigger than being a selfless servant to mankind & nature? In nature is there any thing better then the divine basil if one realize so because it helps here lot more on many spheres of life to make it smile and the help it makes in that where one has to travel alone is unique and immortal all the way to lead one to its ultimate soul mate.

“Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of divine basil”

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.