

Where there Is god There is Tulsi-Where there is Tulsi there is God

Jai Sri Tulsi

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

immortal shade

Holy basil is not just a plant it is enlighten path from where one can achieve the mode of immortality.

The shade is cooling and soothing to heart and soul.

Poison converts into nectar and burning fire terns cool in the lotus feet of divine basil. It transforms the body and mind to the mode of total purity where soul can experience the truth of self and the supreme.

During all seasons of life it bears fruits of blessings and glorious success. Dwelling thereby, many have attained immortality and the path is open for those wish to reach at.

Those take refuge in the immortal shade of divine basil make life as a total and ultimate success all the way.

“Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of divine basil”

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.