

Where there Is god There is Tulsi-Where there is Tulsi there is God

Jai Sri Tulsi

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Sri Tulsi Vivaha

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Jai Sri Hari Vishnu
Jai Devi Tulsi,
Sri Tulsi Vivah Today, A day to enjoin celestial stream of divinity to mark the day with truth of self for eternal cause,

A day to realize the truth of selfless service for the cause, indeed a day to learn from the aura of the day unto truth of service with spirit of submission, 

Devotees on the path of love knows no one else than their favorable,

Lord Vishnu Shower his grace along with gods in the sky on devotees in party with sri Tulsi Vivaha,

Devotees offer respective oblations to mark the day to glorify self,

Adoration of the day may impart ever lasting beauty to the soul for merry with bliss at that shore,

A great Yajna is being performed with spirit by the gods to help the life varyingly and devotees may participate with faith and submission to help self,

Indeed a Very auspicious occasion which indicate infinite favors for life and the soul in entity with,

Every sacrament of the festival is auspicious beyond bound and a truth to recollect self with,

Holy celebrations are on way to dignify the event in the light of truth and the joy with,

Jai Sri Hari Vishnu
Jai Devi Tulsi,