Worship of Sri Tulsi ji could be done on any day, any time but few days have its own merits and indicate some thing unique for life as blessings. Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday are among those days which are fairly indicative for worship of sri tulsi ji, where as Tuesday and Saturdays are unique in them and Tuesday have its own glory to carry on with divine chapter in the lotus feet of sri sri tulsi ji.
Tuesday and the worship of Sri Sri Tulsi ji is unique in itself. Lord Sri Hari is indicated most for the Wednesday as per the version of ancient books but Tuesday is too a great day for the worship of Lord Sri Hari and so is for Sri Tulsi ji.
Tuesday is a fairly auspicious day to earn merits from the lotus feet of Sri Tulsi ji to make the life even easier to carry on with. Those make it way to practice the spiritual offering in the lotus feet of sri tulsi ji on Tuesday are bound to cross over the ocean of mundane world with all ease.
“Obeisance to the lotus feet of Sri Tulsi ji”
May lord bless all?
Thanks please.