Where there Is god There is Tulsi-Where there is Tulsi there is God

Jai Sri Tulsi

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sri Tulsi Vivaha

Jai Sri Devi Tulsi,
Devi Tulsi, the great devotees and supreme servant of Lord Sri Hari Vishnu

Devi Tulsi, the legend of truth, love and submission

Devi Tulsi is worshiped in numerous ways, She is invoked in nature in the form of a plant that Holy basil which not only reflects caring fragrance for life but bless the spirit for ultimate truth,

Serving Devi Tulsi means serving lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari Vishnu-Consort of Devi Tulsi,

Those who cultivate Bhakti for Lord Sri Hari Vishnu, ever respect the Dignity of his supreme servant known in the name of Devi Tulsi,

Devi Tulsi is one of the easiest path to Lord Sri Hari Vishnu, Lord Sri Hari Vishnu controls gods, demigods, angels and all animate and inanimate, though lord is one but manifest in many fold and separate as entities in nature covering three worlds,

Lord Sri Hari Vishnu Enjoy everything as the self of all beings yet maintain its separate identity which undergoes no change and Devi Tulsi helps men to reach at the truth known in the name of sri Vishnu,

They who worship Devi Tulsi and serve in true spirit attain the abode of Lord Sri Hari Vishnu without extra effort,

Today it is very special day known in the name of Sri Tulsi Vivaha that not only celebrated on the planet but also celebrated in different regions of this universe, this is the day to attain blessings from both Lord Sri Hari Vishnu and Devi Tulsi for ultimate welfare of spirit,

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please