Where there Is god There is Tulsi-Where there is Tulsi there is God

Jai Sri Tulsi

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sri Sri Dev Prabodhani Ekadasi {Tulsi Vivah}.

Hare Krishna
Very auspicious day of Sacred Kartik is right here to rejoice eternally in celebrating truth of sri Sri Tulsi Vivaha, in other words Marriage anniversary of goddess Tulsi ji, god visit the planet on the day and distribute the gifts of joy and celebration to devotees,

Goddess Tulsi, the truth of devotion and service to the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, and Lord Vishnu oblige her on this occasion of blissful unison with,

Message of the day is to realign self with truth of love and devotion to the lotus feet of Lord, the ultimate soul mate, when thought-word and deed abides within for-then Lord Manifest to such a one,

Devotees love the Lord Vishnu and Lord is love through and through and unalloyed love with, is path to him, celebration of this day leads one to proximity of Lord in love with,

Indeed a divine day to mark truth for ultimate soul mate through varying oblations designated for the day,

Enlighten the heart in love with lord is part of Kartik Deep Daan of the day, devotees escape self from any kind of ill feeling on the day irrespective of all odds of Maya and Fate,

One of the way to celebrate the day is to smile eternally irrespective of pains within self, smile for the occasion, smile for the  ultimate soul mate in love and submission,

Devotees dedicate self on the day to drink the nectar of divine love, pilgrimage to sri Vrindavan is enlighten truth of the day, Parikrama of sri Vrindavan ensure safe passage to abode of Lord Vishnu,

Indeed a divine day with celestial truth which help aspirants, devotees and lovers to meet the fate of quest favorable, indeed day fill the cup of heart with love and eradicate the sorrows from, indeed it award hope for life and truth, just as a tiny spark of divine love burn up all obstacles so is the truth of clebration of the day that completely consume the veils of delusion and splendor of radiance of divinity manifest within heart to mark truth for eternal cause,

Jai Devi Tulsi
Jai Jai Sri Devi Tulsi
Jai Sri Vishnu Priya-Tulsi