Where there Is god There is Tulsi-Where there is Tulsi there is God

Jai Sri Tulsi

Monday, November 19, 2018

Sri Sri Tulsi Vivaha

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Jai Devi Tulsi,
Jai Sri Hari Vishnu,
Sri Sri Tulsi Vivaha is right here to join the auspicious celebration of a divine festival of eternal light,

It is not just a festival to rejoice eternally but a truth to realign self for the eternal cause,

It is Not just a function of Marriage but a celestial event which impart essential truth to devotees for sole motto of being human on the planet,

Devi Tulsi is presiding deity of compassion and Lord Vishnu is limit of compassion, and the occasion is a adorable truth for spirit in the whirl pool of Maya that known in the name of life-spirit subjected to,

It is not just a day of marriage of goddess Tulsi but by gracious shower of goddess Tulsi, for devotees-a new life has began with new zest and a fresh zeal, a new journey with notes of success to follow with,

Worship of Goddess Tulsi on the occasion enlighten inner chamber of heart for fair glimpse unto self,

Worship of Goddess Tulsi on the occasion paves the path for proximity of Lord Vishnu for both the worlds,

Adoration of the day redefine the truth of self for man that for safe passage in both worlds,

Adoration of the day reaffirm glory of self on the pitch of truth for ultimate cause of entity,

Jai Sri Devi Tulsi,
Jai Sri Sri Vishnu Priya Tulsi,
Jai Sri Sri Vishnu Pad Upasak Tulsi.